Alex Pittaway MARLA MNAEA

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I have always lived in Kenilworth, attending the local schools and being a keen member of local sports teams. Upon leaving school at 18, I travelled to the Alps to work as a seasonaire for 6 months and then went on to travel through Europe before going to University in Sheffield to study for a Sports Science degree... which naturally lead to my decision to work in property! I think it was always in the back of my mind but I wanted to explore other avenues and have always had a huge interest in sport.

Returning to Kenilworth to find work, I gained employment with a local Estate Agent. I enjoyed the work and was keen to learn all I could which led to me doing my ARLA qualification.

With the experience I had gained, it wasn't long before I set up my own business, AP Residential which was born in 2014. I was amazed and gratified by how quickly landlords switched to us and we grew steadily year on year. We rebranded to Alexander Pittaway in 2018, and now, in what will hopefully be our last but most exciting rebranding for a while, Pittaway Thompson is the new name on our boards. Olivia Thompson has joined the company and we are now branching enthusiastically, and with much fanfare, into Sales.

Property is more than a job to me, it is a passion, and I believe this passion is the secret of our success. Our landlords and tenants would seem to agree and I am optimistic that our future house buyers/sellers will be equally pleased with our service.